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Savings Program

We hope you'll agree...

our BFF Savings Program   allows us to be

best friends forever.

What's so great about the Glosshouz BFF Savings Program(TM)?


Monthly Auto-pay adds points credit to your Benefits Flex Fund (BFF) account with us. This works like a beauty and wellness savings program for any future purchases at Glosshouz.


No risk.  No risk of losing out on any valuable credits.  Unlike other member programs where you might lose unused monthly services or credits, at Glosshouz any unused credit each month rolls over and accumulates for you to use at a later date without penalty. 


No Long-term Contract. This is a month-to-month program, after a 90-day intro period, allows you to cancel with just 30-days’ written notice.


For individual. For family.  Family can share one account and require one person to pay.


Member Discounts, Signature Services, & BFF Half-price Services Enjoy BFF member discounts on 1st daily appointments, special-rate Signature Services, and even get a half-price appointment (other category) if it is booked on the same day. That's right - 50% off your second appointment!


Three affordable levels. Choose BFF Level 1, 2, or 3.  Upgrade/downgrade at any time.



Glosshouz BFF (Benefits Flex Fund) Savings Program levels are listed below along with the increasing benefits associated with each level.  Also, see the Glosshouz BFF Savings Program Levels Compare chart.


BFF Level 1 - $77/mo


Serendipity Glosshouz Membership
Silhouette Glosshouz Membership

​BFF Level 2 - $149/mo

Sophisticate Glosshouz Membership

​BFF Level 3 - $221/mo

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