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Start your Laser Hair Treatments Now!

Ditch your temporary hair removal routines forever.

Glosshouz is pleased to offer our guests the latest, most advanced, 

pain free technology for Laser Hair Removal (LHR).

Try your first laser hair removal session for free!

(Book a free consult to learn more)

Sign-up for a FREE first Laser Hair Removal treatment.

Let our friendly providers show you how easy it is!

Next, check your email for FREE Laser area offer and bring to Glosshouz near Park Meadows. Unsubscribe at any time.

FREE LHR Area Sign-up Form

We offer the best Laser Hair Removal available!

Benefits of the Laser Hair Removal program at Glosshouz include the following:

Glosshouz Laser Hair Removal Benefits.JP

To get started, just book your free Laser Hair Removal Consultation Appointment or your first treatment appointment and we'll help answer all your questions!


Want to know before you go?  See here:  Pre-treatment Instructions and Post-treatment care & FAQ.



Don't miss our introductory Laser Hair Removal first treatment offer: 

About Laser Hair Removal - Our state-of-the-art equipment safely eliminates unwanted hair from the face and body for all skin types, all year round even in summer, and even in tanned skin! 


Our treatment works by applying a laser light over the desired area at a certain depth to target the hair follicle base below without affecting the skin above thereby damaging the root responsible for hair growth.  This ensures that treated, eliminated hair will never grow back. Notice that while treated hair may never grow back, all person's hair grows in phases.  The only time the hairs may be laser treated effectively is when they are in the growth stage.  This means that multiple sessions are required to effectively treat all of the hairs in the target area. Typically, clients will need to complete 6-7 treatments on average.


LHR SMALL AREA  $100;  $80 BFF Member Price   - try first Small LHR appointment for FREE, now $0!  Get FREE Session Here

Per each area:  Lip, Chin, Sideburns, Glabella, Areola, Hands, Fingers, Toes  15 mins

LHR MEDIUM AREA $225;  $180 BFF Member Price  - try first Medium LHR appointment for 50% Off: now $112.50

Per each area:  Bikini Line, Abdomen, Underarms, Half Arms, Half Legs, Neck  30 mins

LHR LARGE AREA  $375:  $300 BFF Member Price   - try first Large LHR appointment for 50% Off: now $187.50  

Per each area:  Face, Brazilian Bikini/Extended, Bum, Full Legs, Full Arms, Back, Chest  45 mins

LHR FULL BODY $540;  $450 BFF Member Price  - try first Full-body LHR appointment for 50% Off: now $270  

One hour session to complete treatment on all desired areas. Select up to 2 Large, 2 Medium, 2 Small.  May also trade 2 Medium for a Large, 2 Small for a Medium and so on as desired.  60 mins




Laser Hair Removal Packages

Buy any 7 of the above treatments for the price of just 5! 

Most guests will need 6 - 7 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart to be completed over approximately one year for optimal long term results.  When you pre-pay for 5 sessions, we will give you extra two for free! 


BFF Members may charge their LHR package price to their account and pay for it over the next year.

If you are now or if you decide to join our BFF Monthly Savings Program membership, you may charge your Laser Hair Removal package to your BFF account with us ($1000 for Level 1, $1500 for Level 2, and $2250 for Level 3 BFF Members).  This will allow you to pay it off over the next year monthly as your BFF account payment goes through. With this BFF benefit you are able to help finance your LHR package with us with

  • No long-term contracts

  • No interest finance charges

  • No credit checks required!

All LHR packages are non-transferable, non-cancellable and non-refundable once treatments have begun.

BFF Members can also always Buy One Get One 50% off (the regular price) for any two appointments on Sun. - Fri. (not including medspa) This benefit now applies to all Laser Hair Removal treatments.  BFF BOGO 50% off benefit not available Sats.

Still have questions?

Don't forget to read our FAQ All about Laser Hair Removal!

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