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KYBELLA® INJECTIONS - For Easy Permanent Fat Pockets Reduction

Kybella - now on sale - Our best pricing of the year! 
Now $500 (1 vial), $900 2 vials ($450 ea), $1600 4 vials ($400 ea)
While supplies last! Book & buy now!

We accept Cherry Payment Plans and CareCredit  for payment of medspa services. 

To learn more see our Financing Page.

Kybella treatments at Glosshouz Denver, CO

Also see our informative blog post:  

"My Kybella Experience"

Fat-Dissolving Injections Help Reshape the Area Permanently
(Applicable for ALLE Rewards from Allergan. Learn more or sign up HERE.)
Kybella® is the only FDA-approved, injectable treatment product which permanently reduces the appearance of fullness under the chin.  The active ingredient is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the area beneath your chin, KYBELLA® causes the destruction of local fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat again.
Are you ready to say goodbye to a double-chin and receive neck-contouring, rejuvenating injections with Kybella?  2-3 treatments of 2 vials each performed 6-8 weeks apart are typically required.  However, once the whole treatment is optimally completed and aesthetically pleasing results have been achieved, a patient is likely to never need treatment again. The results of this treatment should give you a more youthful, slimmed look. Common side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, and numbness of the treated area.
Did you know other areas of your face and body can also be treated with Kybella?  Use Kybella injections to reduce fat pockets in strategic areas all-over such as: 
  • Jowls and Jaw Line - Kybella injections of only half a vial per side can be instrumental in creating a slimmer jaw line and more youthful profile.  (Pair this with Juvederm Volux for jaw line contouring for the ultimate chiseled jaw line look. 
  • Bra Bulge / Underarm Fat - Fatty area near the underarm that is unsightly. Kybella injections are great to treat this area which is hard to target with working out. 
  • Buccal Fat - This is the fat pocket that is in the cheek of some people.  If this cheek fat bothers you, you can treat it easily to create a slimmer face with Kybella injections.
  • Fatty Knee Pocket - Yes, believe it or not some people that are perfectionists with their body aesthetic may decide that they need to slim their knee areas with a little Kybella.
  • Basically, any small pocket of fatty tissue can be treated with Kybella with just a few injections over 2 - 3 months. Kybella is also a permanent solution!
Kybella® Injectable Treatments  $600 per vial price
On special now!  Our best pricing of the year.  Book or buy now for special price.  Only while supplies last. 
​​1 vial $500;

2 vials $900 ($450/vial)

4 vials $1600 ($400/vial)



Call 303-459-4210 or book online for a no-charge medical spa consultation with us today.


Kybella® is applicable for ALLE Rewards from Allergan. Learn more or sign up HERE.



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